Gamer Angel Development Part 4

We're back at it again!!
Still a long way to go sadly, the further I get into this, the more I realize how long I have to go! 

I have written out 2 of the remaining 4 days in the good end route and am desperately ensuring to tie up all the lose ends.

For clarification, the days vary in length, some document the entire day, and some are just one scene. 

The remaining two days will be hopefully the finale, the final push, however they will be exceptionally long compared to FULL DAYS. You'll understand why when they're done! On top of that is the artwork and CGS, I have been putting a lot of pressure on myself to fill the game with CGS which definitely slows production down.

 As well as animated CGS, 

and music, 

and animated transitions between days, 

and animated cutscenes for endings.

I always feel a bit bad, explaining that the game is gonna take longer, but I refuse to rush it either. I want it to be the best it can be!

With that being said, here's some recent CGS (I am one CG away from 300 in total!)

And here is a drawing I did of Oscar and Cat to test out Clip Studio Paint!

Get Gamer Angel DEMO

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